AsynQueue :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# mcmandelbrot
# An example package for AsynQueue:
# Asynchronous task queueing based on the Twisted framework, with task
# prioritization and a powerful worker interface.
# Copyright (C) 2015 by Edwin A. Suominen,
# See for API documentation as well as information about
# Ed's background and other projects, software and otherwise.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language
# governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Point valuer for L{mcmandelbrot}. Each CPU core has its own copy
of L{MandelbrotValuer} that is called via the

import sys, time, array

import png
import weave
from weave.base_info import custom_info
import numpy as np

from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer

import asynqueue
from asynqueue.threads import Consumerator

from mcmandelbrot.colormap import ColorMapper

class my_info(custom_info):
    _extra_compile_args = ['-Wcpp']

class MandelbrotValuer(object):
    Returns the values (number of iterations to escape, if at all,
    inverted) of the Mandelbrot set at point cr + i*ci in the complex
    plane, for a range of real values with a constant imaginary component.

    C code adapted from Ilan Schnell's C{iterations} function at::

    with periodicity testing and test-interval updating adapted from
    Simpsons's code contribution at::

    and period-2 bulb testing from Wikibooks::

    The values are inverted, i.e., subtracted from the maximum value,
    so that no-escape points (technically, the only points actually in
    the Mandelbrot Set) have zero value and points that escape
    immediately have the maximum value. This allows simple mapping to
    the classic image with a black area in the middle. Then they are
    scaled to the 0.0-1.0 range, and an exponent is applied to
    emphasize changes at shorter escape times. Finally, they are
    mapped to RGB triples and returned.

    @ivar cm: A callable object that converts C{NumPy} array inputs in
      the 0.0-1.0 range to an unsigned-int8 Python array of RGB
    support_code = """
    bool region_test(double zr, double zr2, double zi2)
        double q;
        // (x+1)^2 + y2 < 1/16
        if (zr2 + 2*zr + 1 + zi2 < 0.0625) return(true);
        // q = (x-1/4)^2 + y^2
        q = zr2 - 0.5*zr + 0.0625 + zi2;
        // q*(q+(x-1/4)) < 1/4*y^2
        q *= (q + zr - 0.25);
        if (q < 0.25*zi2) return(true);

    int eval_point(int j, int km, double cr, double ci)
        int k = 1;
        int N = km;
        double zr = cr;
        double zi = ci;
        double zr2 = zr * zr, zi2 = zi * zi;
        // If we are in one of the two biggest "lakes," we need go no further
        if (region_test(zr, zr2, zi2)) return N;
        // Periodicity-testing variables
        double zrp = 0, zip = 0;
        int k_check = 0, N_check = 3, k_update = 0;
        while ( k < N ) {
            // Compute Z[n+1] = Z[n]^2 + C, with escape test
            if ( zr2+zi2 > 16.0 ) return k;
            zi = 2.0 * zr * zi + ci;
            zr = zr2 - zi2 + cr;
            // Periodicity test: If same point is reached as previously,
            // there is no escape
            if ( zr == zrp )
                if ( zi == zip ) return N;
            // Check if previous-value update needed
            if ( k_check == N_check )
                // Yes, do it
                zrp = zr;
                zip = zi;
                // Check again after another N_check iterations, an
                // interval that occasionally doubles
                k_check = 0;
                if ( k_update == 5 )
                    k_update = 0;
                    N_check *= 2;
            // Compute squares for next iteration
            zr2 = zr * zr;
            zi2 = zi * zi;
        return k;
    code = """
    int j, zint;
    int N = km;
    signed char kx, ky;
    double xk, yk;
    for (j=0; j<Nx[0]; j++) {
        // Evaluate five points in an X arrangement including and around the
        // one specified by X1(j) and ci
        zint = eval_point(j, km, X1(j), ci);
        Z1(j) = zint;
        kx = -1;
        ky = -1;
        while ((zint < km) && (kx < 2)) {
            xk = X1(j) + kx * qd;
            while ((zint < km) && (ky < 2)) {
                yk = (double)ci + ky * qd;
                zint = eval_point(j, km, xk, yk);
                Z1(j) += zint;
                ky += 2;
            kx += 2;
        if (zint == km) {
            // A no-escape evaluation at one point in the X is treated
            // as if there were no escape at any point in the X
            Z1(j) = 5*N;
    vars = ['x', 'z', 'ci', 'qd', 'km']
    steepness = 3

    def __init__(self, N_values):

        @param N_values: The number of iterations to try, hence the
          range of integer values, for a single call to
          L{computeValues}. Because a 5-point star around each point
          is evaluated with the values summed, the actual range of
          values for each point is 5 times greater.

        self.N_values = N_values = ColorMapper()
        # The maximum possible escape value is mapped to 1.0, before
        # exponent and then color mapping are applied
        self.scale = 0.2 / N_values
        self.infoObj = my_info()
    def __call__(self, crMin, crMax, N, ci):
        Computes values for I{N} points along the real (horizontal) axis
        from I{crMin} to I{crMax}, with the constant imaginary
        component I{ci}.

        @return: A Python B-array I{3*N} containing RGB triples for an
          image representing the escape values.
        qd = 0.25 * (crMax - crMin) / N
        x = np.linspace(crMin, crMax, N, dtype=np.float64)
        z = self.computeValues(N, x, ci, qd)
        # Invert the iteration values so that trapped points have zero
        # value, then scale to the range [-1.0, +1.0]
        z = 2*self.scale * (5*self.N_values - z) - 1.0
        # Transform to emphasize details in the middle
        z = self.transform(z, self.steepness)
        # [-1.0, +1.0] --> [0.0, 1.0]
        z = 0.5*(z + 1.0)
        # Map to my RGB colormap

    def computeValues(self, N, x, ci, qd):
        Computes and returns a row vector of escape iterations, integer
        km = self.N_values - 1
        z = np.zeros(N,
            self.code, self.vars,
            customize=self.infoObj, support_code=self.support_code)
        return z

    def transform(self, x, k):
        Transforms the input vector I{x} by taking it to a power, which is
        zero (no transform) or odd-numbered.
        return np.power(x, k)