Call renderImage with Twisted web request objects as much as you like to write PNG images in response to them.

Call shutdown when done.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method setup Sets me up with one or more instances of wire.RemoteRunner.
Method shutdown Undocumented
Method setImageWidth Undocumented
Method renderImage No summary
def __init__(self, descriptions=[], verbose=False):
def setup(self, descriptions, verbose=False):

Sets me up with one or more instances of wire.RemoteRunner.

TODO: Implement the use of multiple descriptions. Currently, the list must have one and only one.

ParametersdescriptionsA list of one or more Twisted endpoint descriptions for connecting a wire.RemoteRunner. Include a None object in the list to use (or also use) one that runs via a UNIX socket on the local machine.
def shutdown(self):
def setImageWidth(self, N):
def renderImage(self, request):

Call with a Twisted.web request that includes a URL query map in request.args specifying cr, ci, crpm, and, optionally, crpi. Writes the PNG image data to the request as it is generated remotely. When the image is all written, calls request.finish and fires the Deferred it returns.

An example query string, for the basic Mandelbrot set overview with 1200 points:

API Documentation for AsynQueue, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:24.