Returns the values (number of iterations to escape, if at all, inverted) of the Mandelbrot set at point cr + i*ci in the complex plane, for a range of real values with a constant imaginary component.

C code adapted from Ilan Schnell's iterations function at:

with periodicity testing and test-interval updating adapted from Simpsons's code contribution at:

and period-2 bulb testing from Wikibooks:

The values are inverted, i.e., subtracted from the maximum value, so that no-escape points (technically, the only points actually in the Mandelbrot Set) have zero value and points that escape immediately have the maximum value. This allows simple mapping to the classic image with a black area in the middle. Then they are scaled to the 0.0-1.0 range, and an exponent is applied to emphasize changes at shorter escape times. Finally, they are mapped to RGB triples and returned.

Instance Variable cm A callable object that converts NumPy array inputs in the 0.0-1.0 range to an unsigned-int8 Python array of RGB triples.
Method __init__ Constructor:
Method __call__ Computes values for N points along the real (horizontal) axis from crMin to crMax, with the constant imaginary component ci.
Method computeValues Computes and returns a row vector of escape iterations, integer values.
Method transform Transforms the input vector x by taking it to a power, which is zero (no transform) or odd-numbered.
cm =
A callable object that converts NumPy array inputs in the 0.0-1.0 range to an unsigned-int8 Python array of RGB triples.
def __init__(self, N_values):


ParametersN_valuesThe number of iterations to try, hence the range of integer values, for a single call to computeValues. Because a 5-point star around each point is evaluated with the values summed, the actual range of values for each point is 5 times greater.
def __call__(self, crMin, crMax, N, ci):

Computes values for N points along the real (horizontal) axis from crMin to crMax, with the constant imaginary component ci.

ReturnsA Python B-array 3*N containing RGB triples for an image representing the escape values.
def computeValues(self, N, x, ci, qd):

Computes and returns a row vector of escape iterations, integer values.

def transform(self, x, k):

Transforms the input vector x by taking it to a power, which is zero (no transform) or odd-numbered.

API Documentation for AsynQueue, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:24.