I am a context manager for passing you a baton with a virtual root element (my "e" attribute) to which you can add elements, e.g., an HTML document. When you get done, I'll put an XML string in the baton, with the XML tag stripped out and replaced with HTML tags.

The baton has tons of convenience methods for generating tags:

 with (me) as vroot:
     ncx = vroot.se('ncx')
 xml = vroot.xml [ or = vroot() ]

Call my instance to get the XML or HTML as a string.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method insert Inserts the text read from the named entry in my headLines dict.
Method head Undocumented
Method __call__ No summary
Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, title):
def insert(self, v, tag, name, typ=None):

Inserts the text read from the named entry in my headLines dict.

def head(self, v):
def __call__(self, **kw):

Returns my content rendered as a complete HTML bytestring, with keywords substituting attributes values of mapped elements. Each keyword's value is the ID that the element was assigned its value is new value of the attribute that was mapped for that element.

def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, etype, value, trace):
API Documentation for AsynQueue, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:24.