Uses asynqueue.wire to run and communicate with a server that generates Mandelbrot Set images.

For the server end, use server to get a Twisted service object you can start or add to an application.

To communicate with the server, use RemoteRunner to get an AsynQueue Worker that you can add to your TaskQueue.

Both ends of the connection need to be able to import this module and reference its MandelbrotWorkerUniverse class.

Class Writable Undocumented
Class MandelbrotWorkerUniverse No summary
Class RemoteRunner Call setup and wait for the Deferred it returns, then you can call image as much as you like to get images streamed to you as iterations of Deferred chunks.
Function server Creates a Twisted endpoint service for Mandelbrot Set images.
def server(description=None, port=1978, interface=None):

Creates a Twisted endpoint service for Mandelbrot Set images.

The returned service responds to connections as specified by description and accepts 'image' commands via AMP to produce PNG images of the Mandelbrot set in a particular region of the complex plane.

If you omit the description, it will be a TCP server running on a particular port. The default is 1978, which is the year in which the first computer image of the Mandelbrot set was generated. You can specify an interface dotted-quad address for the TCP server if you want to limit connections that way.

API Documentation for AsynQueue, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:24.