I let you analyze the parameter values of a Population.

Construct an instance of me with a sequence of parameter names, a 2-D Numpy array X of values (in columns) for the SSEs (first column) and then each of those parameters (remaining columns), and a sequence K of row indices. Or, to analyze values of all parameters, supply an empty list instead.

Each index in K points to a row of X with one SSE and the parameter values for that SSE, with the indices of K sorted in ascending order of the SSE they point to.

Instance Variable names A sequence of the names of all the parameters.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method corr Returns the correlation coefficient between parameter values of column k1 and column k2 in my X array.
Method correlator Iterates over combinations of parameters, from most correlated to least. Each iteration yields column indices of the parameter pair and their correlation coefficient.
Method Kf12 Returns a 1-D Numpy array of row indices to my X array whose SSEs are from fractional value f1 to f2 between minimum and maximum SSE.
Method Kp12 Returns a 1-D Numpy array of row indices to my X array whose SSEs are from fractional portion p1 to p2 between minimum and maximum SSE.
Method args2names Converts args to a list of parameter names:
Method name2k Returns the column index in my X array for the values of the specified parameter name. The reverse of k2name.
Method k2name Returns the parameter name for the the specified column index k in my X array. The reverse of name2k.
Method value_vs_SSE Returns a 1-D Numpy array of the SSEs of my individuals and matching 1-D Numpy arrays for each of the parameter values in names.
Method lineFit Returns the slope and y-intercept of a line that has a best fit to the SSE-weighted data in column vectors of my X array at k1 (x) and k2 (y), with elements in K selected.
Method pick_N Returns a sensible number of subplots to show in the next figure, given a supplied list kList of column indices of remaining parameters to show.
Method filePath Obtains a unique filePath for a PNG file, or, with baseFilePath set, sets my fileSpec to a 6-list so that plotting is done to a PNG file at filePath.
Method makePlotter Returns a Plotter object, constructed with the supplied args and/or keywords, with some global options set.
Method plot Plots values versus SSE for each parameter in names. Accepts keywords used for value_vs_SSE (only inPop is honored in this method), plus noShow, semilog, and sp.
Method prettyLine Undocumented
Method plotXY Plots the values of parameter p1 versus the values of parameter p2, with a rough indication of the SSEs involved.
Method plotCorrelated Plots values of N pairs of parameters with the highest correlation. The higher the SSE for a given combination of values, the less prominent the point will be in the plot.
Method _widthHeight Given a string dims with W or WxL as an integer number of pixels (not inches) for the width or width x height, returns width and height in inches.
names =
A sequence of the names of all the parameters.
def __init__(self, names, X, K, Kp=set(), Kn=set(), baseFilePath=None):
def corr(self, k1, k2):

Returns the correlation coefficient between parameter values of column k1 and column k2 in my X array.

TODO: Make SSE-weighted (lower=more weight).

def correlator(self):

Iterates over combinations of parameters, from most correlated to least. Each iteration yields column indices of the parameter pair and their correlation coefficient.

Only combinations where the first column index is lower than the second are yielded. This avoids duplication by limiting the iteration to the upper right triangle in a 2-D combination matrix where the first index is for rows and the second is for columns.

def Kf12(self, f1, f2):

Returns a 1-D Numpy array of row indices to my X array whose SSEs are from fractional value f1 to f2 between minimum and maximum SSE.

def Kp12(self, p1, p2):

Returns a 1-D Numpy array of row indices to my X array whose SSEs are from fractional portion p1 to p2 between minimum and maximum SSE.

The fractional portion is how far along the indices you are, not how far along the values you are. If the SSEs increased linearly, they would be the same.

def args2names(self, args):

Converts args to a list of parameter names:

  • With no args, returns my full list of parameter names.
  • With one or more strings, returns a list of the matching names.
  • With integer arguments, creates a slice and returns that slice of the entries of my parameter names list.
def name2k(self, name):

Returns the column index in my X array for the values of the specified parameter name. The reverse of k2name.

def k2name(self, k):

Returns the parameter name for the the specified column index k in my X array. The reverse of name2k.

def value_vs_SSE(self, names, **kw):

Returns a 1-D Numpy array of the SSEs of my individuals and matching 1-D Numpy arrays for each of the parameter values in names.

ParametersinPopSet True to only include individuals in the population.
notInPopSet True to only include individuals who were once but no longer are in the population.
neverInPopSet True to only include individuals who were never in the population.
maxRatioSet this to specify a maximum ratio between an included individual's SSE and the best individual's SSE.
def lineFit(self, k1, k2, K):

Returns the slope and y-intercept of a line that has a best fit to the SSE-weighted data in column vectors of my X array at k1 (x) and k2 (y), with elements in K selected.

For the best (lowest SSE) pair, the weight is 1.0. If the worst SSE is many times larger, the worst pair's weight is approximately 2*SSE_best/SSE_worst.

def pick_N(self, kList):

Returns a sensible number of subplots to show in the next figure, given a supplied list kList of column indices of remaining parameters to show.

Favors 2x2 and 3x3 plots. Single-subplot figures have too much empty space and are visually confusing.

def _widthHeight(self, dims):

Given a string dims with W or WxL as an integer number of pixels (not inches) for the width or width x height, returns width and height in inches.

def filePath(self, baseFilePath=None, dims=None):

Obtains a unique filePath for a PNG file, or, with baseFilePath set, sets my fileSpec to a 6-list so that plotting is done to a PNG file at filePath.

The 6-list is: [directory, basename, extension, count, width, height]

A numerical suffix gets appended to the base name (but not the extension) to all files after the first one generated, ensuring that each generated figure/PNG file is unique. Without the keyword baseFilePath set, the unique file path is returned from a previous setting, along with the desired width and height in inches.

ParametersbaseFilePathSpecify this to set my fileSpec. None is returned.
dimsSet to a string with W or WxL as an integer number of pixels (not inches) for the width or width x height of the PNG file(s).
def makePlotter(self, *args, **kw):

Returns a Plotter object, constructed with the supplied args and/or keywords, with some global options set.

If I have a fileSpec set, I will write the plot to a PNG file instead of showing a plot window. There will be a uniquifying numerical suffix appended to the file's base name.

ParametersdimsSet to a string with W or WxL as an integer number of pixels (not inches) for the width or width x height of the PNG file(s). Or None for default (screen size) dimensions.
def plot(self, names, **kw):

Plots values versus SSE for each parameter in names. Accepts keywords used for value_vs_SSE (only inPop is honored in this method), plus noShow, semilog, and sp.

If there are two integer values in names, they are used to select a range of my names sequence. (Seldom used.)

ParametersnoShowSet True to return the Plotter object from the last Matplotlib Figure plotted instead of calling showAll on it, thus allowing you to do so at your convenience.
semilogSet True to plot parameter values on a logarithmic scale.
spSet to an instance of yampex.Plotter in subplot context and I will render each subplots using it, with automatic subplot advancement for each parameter. It's up to you to make sure the Plotter object got set up with subplots in the desired arrangement, and to call it in context before calling this method. See the docstring for yampex.Plotter.__call__ for details.
def prettyLine(self, m, b):
def plotXY(self, p1, p2, sp=None, useFraction=False):

Plots the values of parameter p1 versus the values of parameter p2, with a rough indication of the SSEs involved.

If p1 or p2 is an integer, the parameter values for that column of my X array are used instead.

Also plots a best-fit line determined by lineFit with the pairs having the best 50% of the SSEs.

Returns a 4-tuple with the x- and y-axis labels and the slope and y-intercept of the best-fit line.

def plotCorrelated(self, name=None, N=4, noShow=False, verbose=False, dims=None):

Plots values of N pairs of parameters with the highest correlation. The higher the SSE for a given combination of values, the less prominent the point will be in the plot.

You can specify one parameter that must be included. Then the correlations checked are with everything else.

Seeing a very high correlation in one of these plots is an indication that you should somehow consolidate the correlated parameters or at least make them explicitly dependent on each other at the outset, so DE doesn't waste effort searching all the deserted fitness landscape outside the narrow ellipse of their correlated values.

ParametersnoShowSet True to return the Plotter object from the last Matplotlib Figure plotted instead of calling showAll on it, thus allowing you to do so at your convenience.
API Documentation for ade, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:22.