I load and parse a text file that defines the specifications of an individual, including but not limited to parameter ranges. Call my instance to get a fully populated instance of Specs.

Construct me with an instance of Setups and call my instance to obtain a Specs object with the specifications as its attributes.

Comments (lines beginning with '#', and trailing parts of a line after a '#') and blank lines are ignored.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method parseName I call this when I encounter a line defining a new entry, with the first and possibly only token being the entry's sub-dict key ("subkey").
Method parseValue I call this when I encounter a line defining just one or more space-delimited value, once per value.
Method read Reads and parses specs from the supplied open file handle fh, populating the supplied Specs object s.
Method __call__ Loads and parses specs from the specified filePath, constructing, populating, and returning a Specs object.
def __init__(self, filePath):
def parseName(self, tokens):

I call this when I encounter a line defining a new entry, with the first and possibly only token being the entry's sub-dict key ("subkey").

Returns the parts of the name, or the name and None if the entry is not for a subdict and thus no subkey is defined.

def parseValue(self, value):

I call this when I encounter a line defining just one or more space-delimited value, once per value.

def read(self, fh, s):

Reads and parses specs from the supplied open file handle fh, populating the supplied Specs object s.

Modifies s in place. Returns the number of lines read.

def __call__(self):

Loads and parses specs from the specified filePath, constructing, populating, and returning a Specs object.

API Documentation for ade, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:22.