package documentation
logalyzer: Parses your bloated HTTP access logs to extract the info you want about hits from (hopefully) real people instead of just the endless stream of hackers and bots that passes for web traffic nowadays. Stores the info in a relational database where you can access it using all the power of SQL.
Module | database | SQL database access using sAsync. |
Module | gui | Command-line text GUI using ncurses. |
Module | logread | HTTP logfile reading and parsing. |
Module | main | The main module of logalyzer with the la entry point. |
Module | parse | Logfile parsing, imported by logread . |
Module | records | All the recordkeeping is done here, with help from database . |
Module | sift | Filtering of HTTP logs as they are read. |
Package | test | Unit tests for logalyzer |
Module | util | Utility functions, base classes, and the Args class. |
Module | writer | Writing of IP addresses. |