Filtering of HTTP logs as they are read.

Class IPMatcher I efficiently match IP addresses. Simple and fast.
Class MatcherBase Build your matcher on me
Class NetMatcher I efficiently match IP addresses to IP networks with rules
Class ReMatcherBase I efficiently match strings with regular expressions
Class UAMatcher I use parsed .ua rules to efficiently check for user-agents that are undesirable in logs, though they shouldn't be blocked.
Class BotMatcher I use parsed .url rules to efficiently check for bots that are seen in logs doing hacker-type things, and should get blocked.
Class RefMatcher I use parsed .ref rules to efficiently check for referrers that are clearly logspammers, and should get blocked.
Class VhostMatcher I use parsed .vhost rules to efficiently check for referrers that are requesting clearly inappropriate vhosts , and should get blocked.
API Documentation for logalyzer, generated by pydoctor at 2021-09-18 08:41:09.