I am a three-dimensional array of Python objects, addressable by any three-way combination of hashable Python objects. You can use me as a two-dimensional array by simply using some constant, e.g., None when supplying an address for my third dimension.

Method __init__ No summary
Method write Performs a database write transaction, returning a deferred to its completion.
Method get Retrieves an element (x,y,z) from the database.
Method set Persists the supplied value of element (x,y,z) to the database, inserting or updating a row as appropriate.
Method delete Deletes the database row for element (x,y,z).
Method clear Deletes the entire group of database rows for all of my elements. Use with care!
def __init__(self, ID, *url, **kw):

Constructor, with a URL and any engine-specifying keywords supplied if a particular engine is to be used for this instance. The following additional keyword is particular to this constructor:

def write(self, funcName, *args, **kw):

Performs a database write transaction, returning a deferred to its completion.

def get(self, x, y, z):

Retrieves an element (x,y,z) from the database.

def set(self, x, y, z, value):

Persists the supplied value of element (x,y,z) to the database, inserting or updating a row as appropriate.

def delete(self, x, y, z):

Deletes the database row for element (x,y,z).

def clear(self):

Deletes the entire group of database rows for all of my elements. Use with care!

API Documentation for sAsync, generated by pydoctor at 2021-09-18 08:41:22.