An example of AsynQueue in action. Can be fun to play with if you have a multicore CPU. You will need the following packages, which you can get via pip install: weave (part of SciPy); numpy (part of SciPy); matplotlib; and of course asynqueue.

Command line usage:

   [-d <description>,] [-N, <iterations>,]
   [-s, <steepness>,] [-o, <imageFile>,]
   Nx, cr, ci, crPM[, ciPM]

Writes PNG image to stdout unless -o is set, then saves it to imageFile. In that case, prints some stats about the multiprocessing computation to stdout.

To see an overview displayed with ImageMagick's display command:

 mcmandelbrot 2000 -0.630 0 1.4 1.2 |display

Write a detailed view to the image detail.png:

 mcmandelbrot -o detail.png 3000 -0.73249 +0.21653 0.0112

Run a local AMP server in the background and then connect to it to generate images (don't leave TCP servers running on Internet-exposed machines unless you know what you're doing):

 twistd -y AsynQueue-0.9.1/mcmandelbrot/
 export DESC="tcp:localhost:1978"
 mcmandelbrot -d $DESC -o detail-01.png 3000 -0.73249 +0.21653 0.01
 mcmandelbrot -d $DESC -o detail-02.png 3000 -0.73249 +0.21653 0.001

Run a local HTTP server, to which you can connect via port 8080 and generate images interactively with your web browser:

 twistd -noy AsynQueue-0.9.1/mcmandelbrot/

As of this package release date, I have one of these running on a quad-core VPS at

See Alsomain, html, wire to start. Interesting supporting modules are image and runner. The ground-level computation is done in valuer.
API Documentation for AsynQueue, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:24.