module documentation
Part of mcmandelbrot
An example of AsynQueue
in action. Can be fun to play with
if you have a multicore CPU. You will need the following packages, which
you can get via pip install
: weave
(part of
SciPy); numpy
(part of SciPy); matplotlib
; and of
course asynqueue
TODO: If you want to run with the Qt GUI (-g option), you also
need qt4reactor
and pyqt4
Command line usage:
mcmandelbrot [-d <description>] [-N <iterations>] [-o <imageFile>] [-g] [-s] [-a <aspect ratio>] Nx cr ci crPM [ciPM]
Writes PNG image to stdout unless -o is set, then saves it to imageFile. In that case, prints some stats about the multiprocessing computation to stdout.
To see an overview displayed with ImageMagick's display command:
mcmandelbrot 2000 -0.630 0 1.4 1.2 |display
Write a detailed view to the image detail.png:
mcmandelbrot -o detail.png 3000 -0.73249 +0.21653 0.0112
Function | run | Call with: |
Call with:
[-d, <description>,] [-N, <values>,] [-o, <imageFile>,] [-g,] [-s,] Nx, cr, ci, crPM, [ciPM]
Writes PNG image to stdout unless -o is set, then saves it to
. In that case, prints some stats about the
multiprocessing computation to stdout.
d: An endpoint description of a server running a
. - s: Show image (TODO)
Parameters | N_values | Integer number of possible values for Mandelbrot points during iteration.
Can set with the -N values arg instead. |
ignoreReactor | Set True to let somebody else start and stop the reactor. |