class documentation
Part of logalyzer.util
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: logalyzer.database.Transactor, logalyzer.logread.Reader, logalyzer.main.Recorder, logalyzer.main.RuleReader, logalyzer.records.ProcessConsumer, logalyzer.records.RecordKeeper, logalyzer.writer.IPWriter
Subclass me to have a few convenient methods and easily work with a directory. The default directory is the current one, set another with the 'myDir' attribute.
I look at my gui and verbose attributes to decide what to
show users from your calls to msgHeading
Class Method | linger | Undocumented |
Method | myDir 0 | Undocumented |
Method | myDir 1 | Undocumented |
Method | myDir | Undocumented |
Static Method | dtFormat | Undocumented |
Static Method | deferToDelay | Undocumented |
Method | msgHeading | No summary |
Method | msgBody | Send a new line of message body to the last heading for this instance,
or the instance whose ID is specified via the keyword ID . |
Method | msgOrphan | Undocumented |
Method | msgWarning | Undocumented |
Method | msgError | Undocumented |
Method | msgProgress | Undocumented |
Method | fileStatus | Undocumented |
Method | fileProgress | Undocumented |
Method | csvTextToList | Undocumented |
Static Method | checkPath | Undocumented |
Static Method | dirOfPath | Undocumented |
Method | filesInDir | No summary |
Method | pathInDir | Returns the absolute path of a file in my directory |
Method | cleak | No summary |
Method | gleak | Undocumented |
Sends a new message heading to the GUI or console, returning a integer
that is unique to the caller's instance of me and that will be the ID for
the next msgBody
from this instance.
Send a new line of message body to the last heading for this instance,
or the instance whose ID is specified via the keyword ID
Returns a list of names (not paths) of files in my instance's directory myDir, or the directory specified. If the "directory" is actually a file, returns a single-item list with just that filename.
If you specify a pattern string, only files containing the pattern will be included.
For debugging memory leaks. Calls the deferred-returning function f (with any args, kw), recording changes made to the heap during the call. Prints a warning-level message about the heap every call, and stops with the debugger after 'stopInterval' calls, if defined.
Returns a deferred that fires with the call result, which should make this indistinguishable from the original call.