I run everything to fit a curve to thermistor data using asynchronous differential evolution.

Construct an instance of me with an instance of Args that has parsed command-line options, then have the Twisted reactor call the instance when it starts. Then start the reactor and watch the fun.

Method __init__ Runner(args)
Method shutdown Call this to shut me down when I'm done. Shuts down my ProcessQueue, which can take a moment.
Method evaluate The function that gets called with each combination of parameters to be evaluated for fitness.
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method run Undocumented
def __init__(self, args):


def shutdown(self):

Call this to shut me down when I'm done. Shuts down my ProcessQueue, which can take a moment.

Repeated calls have no effect.

def evaluate(self, values):

The function that gets called with each combination of parameters to be evaluated for fitness.

def __call__(self):
def run(self):
API Documentation for ade, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-17 13:13:22.