A slightly improved list for holding Pair objects.

Method copy Undocumented
Method getXY Returns the X and Y vectors of the Pair at index k.
Method firstX Returns the Numpy array and name of the very first x-axis vector added to me (possibly the only one). If no vectors have been added yet, returns None, None.
Method minmax Returns the lowest and highest values found in any of my pairs' x-axis vectors, unless useY is True, in which their y-axis vectors are looked at instead.
Method scaleX Multiplies the x-axis vector of each of my pairs by the specified scale.
def copy(self):
def getXY(self, k, asArray=False):

Returns the X and Y vectors of the Pair at index k.

ParametersasArrayTrue to get the vectors as a 2D Numpy array.
def firstX(self):

Returns the Numpy array and name of the very first x-axis vector added to me (possibly the only one). If no vectors have been added yet, returns None, None.

def minmax(self, useY=False):

Returns the lowest and highest values found in any of my pairs' x-axis vectors, unless useY is True, in which their y-axis vectors are looked at instead.

Empty vectors are disregarded. If I have no pairs yet or only pairs with an empty vector of interest, returns None for both.

def scaleX(self, scale):

Multiplies the x-axis vector of each of my pairs by the specified scale.

API Documentation for yampex, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-21 15:03:54.