yampex.adjust.TextSizeComputer - I compute dimensions of text strings and Matplotlib text objects, using
my default DPI of 100 or a different one you supply in my constructor.
yampex.annotate.Annotator - I manage the annotations for all axes in a single subplot. You'll need
an instance of me for each subplot that contains annotations.
yampex.annotate.PositionEvaluator - Use an instance of me to evaluate the overlap score of a proposed
position of an annotation, based on subplot data, boundaries, and the
positions of all other annotations in the subplot.
yampex.annotate.Sizer - I try to provide accurate sizing of annotations. Call my instance with a
Matplotlib annotation object to get an estimate of its dimensions in
yampex.options.Opts - I am a dict-like object of options. I make it easy to override global
options with local ones just for the present subplot, and provide a few
useful methods.
yampex.plot.Plotter - I provide a Matplotlib Figure with one or more time-vector
and XY subplots of Numpy vectors.
yampex.plot.Dims - I store dimensions of things for each subplot. If my debug class
attribute is set True, I print info about what's being set and
get for debugging purposes.
yampex.scaling.Scaler - Multiples go like this: 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1, 0.5,
yampex.subplot.SpecialAx - I pretend to be the matplotlib.Axes that I'm constructed
with except that I intercept plotting calls and have a few extra
yampex.subplot.Subplotter - I handle your subplots, boundary setting and ticks. A Plotter instance
constructs me with a reference to itself and an integer number of columns
and rows.
yampex.test.test_annotate.MockAnnotation - A mock Matplotlib Annotation object pointing to a
data-point location of x, y, centered at an offet of
dx, dy pixels.
yampex.test.test_annotate.MockFigure - A stand-in for the Matplotlib Figure object. I have a
10-pixel border around my single fake subplot, resulting in dimensions of
520x520 pixels.