I pretend to be the matplotlib.Axes that I'm constructed with except that I intercept plotting calls and have a few extra methods.

The plotting calls are intercepted with a wrapper function and stored up in my PlotHelper where they can be processed all at once. The processing does the following:

  • Rescales the independent vector(s) if they are for time and there's a time unit (e.g., nanoseconds) scaling them.
  • Replace container, *names args with vectors in that container.
  • Plot with the next line style, marker style, and color if not specified in the call.
  • Applies legends and annotations.

Construct me with a subplot axes object ax, an instance of Plotter p, and my integer subplot number (starts with 1). Or, construct me with an instance of PlotHelper.

If your call to a Plotter instance (most likely in a subplot context) has a container object as its first argument, I will replace the arguments with actual Numpy vectors element-wise accessed from that container object. The underlying Matplotlib call will only see the Numpy vectors. For example,:

   import numpy as np
   V = {'x': np.linspace(0, 1, 100)}
   V['y'] = V['x']**2
   with Plotter(1) as sp:
       sp(V, 'x', 'y')

will plot the square of x vs x. This comes in handy when you have containers full of vectors and you want to plot selected ones of them in different subplots.

Instance Variable helper An instance of PlotHelper dedicated to helping with my subplot. I either create a new instance or re-use one supplied to my constructor.
Method __init__ SpecialAx(ax, p, kSubplot) or SpecialAx(helper)
Method ax Property: Access the underlying Matplotlib Axes object directly.
Method __getattr__ Returns a plotting method of my _ax object, wrapped in a wrapper function, or the attribute of _ax directly for anything else.
helper =
An instance of PlotHelper dedicated to helping with my subplot. I either create a new instance or re-use one supplied to my constructor.
def __init__(self, *args):

SpecialAx(ax, p, kSubplot) or SpecialAx(helper)

def ax(self):

Property: Access the underlying Matplotlib Axes object directly.

def __getattr__(self, name):

Returns a plotting method of my _ax object, wrapped in a wrapper function, or the attribute of _ax directly for anything else.

The wrapper looks up vector names from my vector container V (if it's not a None object), or from the first arg if that is a vector container, applies per-plot keywords if not specified in the call, and does x-axis scaling.

API Documentation for yampex, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-21 15:03:54.