I make one or more text boxes for a subplot Axes object or an entire Figure.

Construct an instance with a Matplotlib Axes object and, to add the textbox to a subplot instead of the whole figure, two more args: The number of columns and rows in the subplot.

Any keywords you supply to my constructor are used in the textbox, with the exception of m.

ParametersDPIThe dots per inch of the figure the text box will be going into.
mThe margin between the text box and the edge of the figure. If a float, relative to figure or subplot dimensions. If an int, in pixels; requires fDims to be supplied. (Default: 0.02)
fDimsA 2-sequence containing the figure dimensions in pixels.
alphaThe alpha (opacity) of the text box background. (Default: 0.8)
backgroundcolorThe background color of the text box. (Default: white)
Instance Variable tList A list of the Matplotlib text objects I have created.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method conformLocation Undocumented
Method get_XY Returns a 2-list with the center position of the annotation, as a fraction of my axes or figure dimensions.
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method remove Removes my text object from the figure, catching the exception raised if it's not there.
tList =
A list of the Matplotlib text objects I have created.
def __init__(self, axOrFig, *args, **kw):
def conformLocation(self, location):
def get_XY(self, location, dims, margins):

Returns a 2-list with the center position of the annotation, as a fraction of my axes or figure dimensions.

def __call__(self, location, proto, *args, **options):
def remove(self):

Removes my text object from the figure, catching the exception raised if it's not there.

API Documentation for yampex, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-21 15:03:54.