I do the hard work of trying to intelligently adjust white space around and in between subplots.

There is definitely some empiricism involved with this, as Matplotlib's subplots_adjust command doesn't account for text and ticks.

Method __init__ Adjuster(p)
Method width Returns the width of the supplied text object in pixels.
Method tickWidth Returns the maximum width of the y-axis ticks (with labels) for subplot k.
Method getDims Returns the dimensions of the artist referenced with the specified name in subplot k, or None if no such artist had its dimensions defined for that subplot.
Method wSpace Returns the horizontal (width) space in pixels, to the left of all subplots if left is set, or between subplots otherwise.
Method scaledWidth Undocumented
Method scaledHeight Undocumented
Method updateFigSize Undocumented
Method __call__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, p):


def width(self, textObj):

Returns the width of the supplied text object in pixels.

def tickWidth(self, k):

Returns the maximum width of the y-axis ticks (with labels) for subplot k.

def getDims(self, k, name):

Returns the dimensions of the artist referenced with the specified name in subplot k, or None if no such artist had its dimensions defined for that subplot.

def wSpace(self, left=False):

Returns the horizontal (width) space in pixels, to the left of all subplots if left is set, or between subplots otherwise.

ParametersleftSet True to get horizontal space to the left of all subplots.
def scaledWidth(self, x, per_sp=False, scale=1.0, margin=0, pixmin=0):
def scaledHeight(self, x, per_sp=False, scale=1.0, margin=0, pmax=0.4):
def updateFigSize(self, fWidth, fHeight):
def __call__(self, universal_xlabel=False, titleObj=None):
API Documentation for yampex, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-21 15:03:54.