You'll do everything with a Plotter in context.

Keep the API for its OptsBase base class handy, and maybe a copy of its source, to see all the plotting options you can set.

Function lru_cache Dummy cache function for those few souls still slogging along with Python 2.x.
Class HeightComputer I compute vertical (height) spacings for an Adjuster instance adj.
Class TextSizeComputer I compute dimensions of text strings and Matplotlib text objects, using my default DPI of 100 or a different one you supply in my constructor.
Class Adjuster I do the hard work of trying to intelligently adjust white space around and in between subplots.
def lru_cache(**kw):

Dummy cache function for those few souls still slogging along with Python 2.x.

API Documentation for yampex, generated by pydoctor at 2022-11-21 15:03:54.