class documentation
Part of yampex.adjust
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I compute vertical (height) spacings for an Adjuster
Parameters | universal_xlabel | Set True if all subplots have the same xlabel. |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | spaceForTitle | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the title of the subplot at index k. |
Method | spaceForXlabel | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the xlabel of the subplot at index k. |
Method | spaceForTicks | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the x-axis ticks, including labels, of the subplot at index k. |
Method | scaleForHeight | Returns a scaling factor that increases with figure height, starting at s0 for a very short figure. |
Method | top | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the top of the figure, above all subplots. Supply any figure title textObj. |
Method | between | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate horizontal (subplot above and below) gutters between subplots. |
Method | bottom | Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the bottom of the figure, below all subplots. |
Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the title of the subplot at index k.
The text height is scaled up a bit.
Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the xlabel of the subplot at index k.
The text height is scaled up a bit.
Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the x-axis ticks, including labels, of the subplot at index k.
The tick+label height is multiplied by 1.5.
Returns a scaling factor that increases with figure height, starting at s0 for a very short figure.
The scaling factor doesn't increase much until height gets close to h0 where the slope attains a maximum. Then it starts increasing more slowly until it gradually maxes out at s1. Uses the tanh function.
Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate the top of the figure, above all subplots. Supply any figure title textObj.
Returns the spacing in pixels needed to accommodate horizontal (subplot above and below) gutters between subplots.
If there's both a title and an xlabel in the subplot above, the space for the title is scaled up to leave some whitespace between xlabel and title.
Also, for some reason, a bit more space is needed for x labels between subplots, as opposed to an x label of subplots in the bottom row.